


At the Tabernacle, we believe to our core that God’s love is transformative.

We truly believe that as individuals, families, neighborhoods and communities intersect with people who consistently exhibit godly love in tangible ways that people’s lives change.

We exist to REACH people, TEACH and empower people to love God and love others, and to RELEASE people to do the same with others.


—God desires a personal relationship with each of us.  Our weekend service and weekly programming are focused on reaching people where they are and providing opportunities for them to intersect God, first through His people, and then directly by experiencing His presence through our weekend service. Our weekly programming and our weekend service are safe places to learn more about God and those who follow Him.


—Each of us plays an important part in God’s plan.  The Tabernacle Growth Track is a vital part of helping individuals to know God and to discover, develop and deploy the gifts that He has given them.  There are weekly opportunities to attend these classes at each location.  In addition to Growth Track, there are other opportunities for deeper study for those who have this desire.


—God’s plan for each of us is to make a difference in the lives of others. It is when we do this that we fulfill our God-given purpose.  Through volunteer and serving opportunities, each person connected to the Tabernacle can live out their purpose by using their unique gifts, skills and talents in reaching and loving others in the church and in the community.



Dr. Calvin & Christine Sweeney

Lead Pastors

Dr. Calvin Sweeney is the Lead Pastor of The Tabernacle, a growing, multicultural, multigenerational church situated in the heart of Toledo, Ohio and the President Of Toledo School Of Leadership and Ministry. He is committed to efforts that bring individual and collective transformation. Dr. Sweeney earned his doctorate in Education and Leadership from the University of Toledo in 2012, and has extensive experience in educational initiatives and programming that foster community and family engagement. Additionally, he is an expert in helping leaders with vision formation, communication, and execution. Dr. Sweeney is passionate about City Transformation and is respected as a “father of the city” by many local leaders. Dr. Sweeney was a professor at the University of Toledo before he took the position as the Lead Pastor at The Tabernacle. Dr. Sweeney has been married to his wife, Christine for 21 years. They are the proud parents of four children and reside in Toledo.



Warwick Goodwin

Pastor—Joy MBC, Flint, Michigan



Allen Jackson

Campus Pastor—The Tabernacle, Toledo, Ohio