Our goal for women’s ministry comes directly from Proverbs 31: 29—There are many virtuous and capable women in the world, but you surpass them all! We desire to be a ministry where we connect, challenge, comfort and support women. We believe that God’s love and power changes lives, and as we obey the great commission by reaching out with God’s love to others, we can and will make a difference! Each week, we are excited to see women connecting with God and with one another. We weren’t created to do life alone—accountability, encouragement and support are essential. At the Tabernacle, we train and equip women to be spiritual warriors in their homes, workplaces, and in their community. We challenge each woman to achieve spiritual growth by intentionally connecting with God and with others through small groups, monthly gatherings, and through special events and service opportunities. To keep up to date with events and other activities, text “women” to 419-721-6260.